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Felicia is a Grand Master Reiki Teacher: Advanced ThetaHealer & Channel for the Angesls
Therapy for the Soul Session

Therapy for the Soul Session

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Weekly Angel Message

Inspiration for your week! Angel Message for the week of May 13th

Inspiration for your week! Angel Message for the week of May 13th

In this week's video Felicia tunes in the Angelic Realm to bring you a message of Truth. Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Communication and makes his presence known again this week. In this message he offers and angelic perspective on the principle of Truth. In sanskrit this is called "Satya" The bedrock of Truth. To be able to truly speak your truth, first you must know how you truly are. Know the True you and speak from the heart of your true self. This can only be done from the connection to the infinate soul in your heart. When you speak from this place truth can be felt and easily delivered. He offers a simple formula of PAUSE: BREATHE & BE When you feel stressed and outside of yourself with worries, fears and frustrations. Pause, Take a Breathe and Connect to the BEINGNESS of you. The you will have power to speak the truth and speak with love. Speak love, speak light, speak peace. This is the highest level of Satya. With love and in light! Namaste' Have an Amazing Week, Felicia Felicia Crawford has been working with the Angels for over 15 Years. Archangel Michael made his presence known to her during her work in the field of Reiki and Energy Medicine. She offers personal readings and healings through her work with “Therapy for the Soul”. These sessions are a combination of Reiki, ThetaHealing and Angelic Communication. Visit her website for more information @ Visit her YouTube Channel to receive weekly messages from the Angels to inspire you!
The Perfect Moment is Now: Message from Archangel Michael

The Perfect Moment is Now: Message from Archangel Michael

Messages from Archangel Michael Weekly Angel Video message for April 7th NOW is the Perfect Moment In this week's Message Felicia channels a message for the Eclipse week. In knowing the Perfect Moment is NOW has many levels of understanding. The only real moment is the Now and waiting until another time is a distraction from what is important right here, right now. Give yourself a Gift. The Present Moment. -Marcus Aurelius In the Present Moment you are free to decide what you do with your energy and how you feel. In this message the guidance is to Harness your Energy by being fully present in your Presence. The Presence is your Soul's power. It is a gift to connect to the True you and experience life free and untethered. Let go of the past, it doesn't exist in the Now. To be HEALED is to live fully in the present Moment. You are a Powerful Intuitive being. What do you really want from this week. Get Present and Decide. This moment is the PERFECT moment. Have an Amazing Week, Felicia Felicia Crawford has been working with the Angels for over 15 Years. Archangel Michael made his presence known to her during her work in the field of Reiki and Energy Medicine. She offers personal readings and healings through her work with “Therapy for the Soul”. These sessions are a combination of Reiki, ThetaHealing and Angelic Communication. Visit her website for more information @ Visit her YouTube Channel to receive weekly messages from the Angels to inspire you!
Message from Archangel MIchael: NOW Miracles

Message from Archangel MIchael: NOW Miracles

Messages from Archangel Michael Weekly Angel Video message for March 19th NOW MIracles In this week’s message Archangel Michael offers his understanding of the Power of Living in the NOW! This is the now moment for miracles to happen. Now Miracles I am the One Light. I am the One Love. I am the One Truth. Right here, right now in your current space and place miracles are all around you. Yet, many of you live in the past hurts and pains or project into some future in the vibration of worry. Can you see the glory of God all around you? Do you lift your eyes up to the light and see the Now Miracles which abundantly surround you? Now Miracles teach you that in every moment you are in the NOW. The truth of the experience of living fully present and aware. To bring all of who you are into the NOW. To be right here and right now with each person and each beautiful moment of life. To have your full Wholehearted attention in the NOW. This is freedom from the past and will bring Love to your Future, light to your Future. Truth is there is no other place than NOW. In the NOW the past is behind you and the Future is before you. “What lies behind you and what lies before you fails in comparison to what lies within me.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson It is time to live in the Holy Instant, the present moment awareness of the ONE Light, ONE love, ONE truth. The Course in Miracles teaches you are free in only one place. This ONE place is NOW. When you arrive fully in the Now, it is the Holy instant you can receive your Miracles and acknowledge the Miracle of Existence. It is time to live WHOLLY in this place right here, right now. The EGO likes to refuse the present moment with dissatisfaction. You are not just the Ego, you are the presence behind the Ego. When you become distracted and drift off, no longer waste more time on chastising yourself, just choose to return and instantly you are free. Believe in You. Believe in Miracles. This is a NOW miracle. You can do all great things, believe and Know this to be true. You are the ONE light, ONE love, ONE truth. -Archangel Michael
Hidden Miracles: Message from Archangel Michael

Hidden Miracles: Message from Archangel Michael

Messages from Archangel Michael Weekly Angel Video message for March 11th Hidden Miracles: The power of the Root Chakra Dig Deep this week! The Miracles are hidden within you. The Chakra system contains powerful traits that are often unseen and unrealized. You cannot visibly see the chakras as you are able to see your flesh and bones, yet these centers do exist. You cannot see the powers of gravity until you jump from above and land on the ground. You cannot see these powers contained and built into you until you decide to dig a little deeper into your spiritual nature. The Chakra system is what brings spiritual power into the world through you as the medium. The root Chakra is equivalent to the roots of the Tree. When you see the glory and beauty of the mighty oak, you cannot see the full glory of the Oak unless you dig deep into the Earth. The tree through the roots is connected to the matrix of the Mother Gaia. The tree is in communion with the Earth and is a vital part of the structure of all it is surrounded by. The same is true for you! The Hidden Miracle of focus, clarity and fearlessness is contained inside of the Mighty Chakra, contained inside of the mighty soul of you! When you are rooted in life, you can endure all of the changes of life itself, for you are every ounce of you connected and whole can weather life. Archangel Michael encourages you to start each day in Prayer with the Creator. In prayer, “Show me where to go. Show me what to do.” Then receive your answer in the quiet inner space of your heart. Trust the guidance you receive. The important part is to tune in and listen. Do the simple things you are shown to keep you in the Miraculous power of FOCUS! Next, shield yourself from distraction. Take time away from external noise and busyness. If you want to manifest miracles, it takes focus, it takes clarity. We are guided by the Angels, by Creator and if you follow this guidance. You will dig deep into your roots and achieve amazing things.! Take a stand and Grow this week” This is to be fearless. Life is a journey containing ups and downs, highs and lows, deep valleys and mountain peaks. To survive and thrive you must discover this Hidden Miracle of your Root Chakra’s power. The Root Chakra balances and energizes you to walk the Journey with Courage and face everything you meet with fortitude and fearlessness. You are a powerful spiritual being inside of physical form. To be truly grounded is the ability to realize your spiritual power right here, right now in this beautiful thing called life. This is to reveal the Hidden Miracle within you. Have an Amazing Week, Felicia Felicia Crawford has been working with the Angels for over 15 Years. Archangel Michael made his presence known to her during her work in the field of Reiki and Energy Medicine. She offers personal readings and healings through her work with “Therapy for the Soul”. These sessions are a combination of Reiki, ThetaHealing and Angelic Communication. Visit her website for more information @ Visit her YouTube Channel to receive weekly messages from the Angels to inspire you!
Message from Archangel Michael: Miraculous Manifestations!

Message from Archangel Michael: Miraculous Manifestations!

Messages from Archangel Michael Weekly Angel Video message for March 4th Miraculous Manifestations! In this week’s message Archangel Michael offers a 3 step process for Miraculous Manifestations. Number 1: Have a heart to heart with yourself and a heart to heart with God. Who am I? What am I here for? Miraculous manifestation is to have a heart to heart with God, the universe. Speaking out your true heart’s desire at the level of the Soul. Your Soul seeks to live purposefully and will manifest things which bring out the best in yourself. Your Soul will manifest from the level of Love. What do you love and what do you love to share? Number 2: Get Clear! It all begins with a crystal-clear vision of your desired miracle. Be specific, know what you desire. Clarity is required in teamwork. This is not just wishful thinking.Get clear and watch the magic happen. Number 3: Gratitude! Gratitude is a vibration of Miracles. To say Thank you even before your manifestation is physically visible. There are seen and unseen forces in the universe. The universe will be working with and through you. See each experience as 1 step closer to miraculous manifestations. Remember Miracles happen through you, not just to you. When you do this, you will have the MIDAS Touch! Go forth miracle makers, and paint your universe with the vibrant colors of your wildest dreams! Have an Amazing Week, Felicia Felicia Crawford has been working with the Angels for over 15 Years. Archangel Michael made his presence known to her during her work in the field of Reiki and Energy Medicine. She offers personal readings and healings through her work with “Therapy for the Soul”. These sessions are a combination of Reiki, ThetaHealing and Angelic Communication. Visit her website for more information @ Visit her YouTube Channel to receive weekly messages from the Angels to inspire you! Transcript
May 2024
11:00 AM
Beginner's Reiki: Level One of Three (Online)
+1 more
6:00 PM
Angel Activations: Archangel Michael (online)
+1 more
6:00 PM
Angel Activations: Archangel Raphael (online)
+1 more
10:00 AM
Beginner's Reiki: Level One of Three
+1 more
6:00 PM
Find your Why? Live a life of Purpose! (Online)
+1 more
6:00 PM
Angel Activation w/Archangel Uriel (online)
+1 more
Day (1/2)
You & The Creator: Advanced ThetaHealing Studies
+1 more
Day (2/2)
You & The Creator: Advanced ThetaHealing Studies
+1 more
6:00 PM
Angel Activation: Archangel Gabriel (Online)
+1 more
Day (1/3)
Advanced DNA: Level Two ThetaHealing
+1 more
Day (2/3)
Advanced DNA: Level Two ThetaHealing
+1 more
Day (3/3)
Advanced DNA: Level Two ThetaHealing
+1 more

Connections: In person Or Virtual

Stay in Touch w/Felicia

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Image by J Lee

Meditation Gifts!

Meditation is a Gift to the Body, Mind & Spirit. To Practice Mindfulness is to live in the beauty of the Present Moment. 

"To live in the Present Moment is a Miracle. It is the one place you are truly free."

Mindfulness-Of-BodyFelicia Crawford
00:00 / 12:14
Mindfulness-Of-BreathFelicia Crawford
00:00 / 16:46
The-RAIN-of-Self-CompassionFelicia Crawford
00:00 / 20:00
Developing-Loving-KindnessFelicia Crawford
00:00 / 11:16
Hypnosis-For-Deep-RelaxationFelicia Crawford
00:00 / 16:23
Buddha Statue

"Health is the Greatest Gift. Contentment the Greatest Wealth. Faithfulness the best relationship." -Buddha

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