Become ATTUNED to the Angelic Realm!

“Treat everyone you meet with love, respect and care, you never know they might be your Angel in disguise.”
The Angels were created to assist humanity. It is believed that at the moment God created man, he also created Angels. There are more than 250 mentions of Angels in the Bible itself, not to mention the many other religions and systems throughout the world. An average of 70% of the population has noted a belief or personal experience involving the Angels.
In Truth, there are
I have been delivering Angelic messages now for over a decade. I have witnessed miracles of revelation and healings for those around me. I feel blessed to deliver the message of hope, love and peace from the multitude of Angels in this universe.
Did you know the word Angel means MESSENGER?
The Angels deliver the messages of God through and to us. We are meant to be assisted and there is always guidance about the path. Here’s the piece I have been searching for when working with others.
How can I help others to tune into these messages for themselves?
Ask and you will be shown! The Angels brought me the program of
I now have a way to share not only the information about the Angelic realm and the Angels. I now can create a LINK between you and the Angels. An attunement process to specifically and intently align you to the beloved assistance which is there for you!
The Lightarian AngelLinks are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a high vibrational team of angelic beings. This team consists of a Seraph (named Rose Aura) and four Archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). The AngelLinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development. Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic patterns which they embody.
Are you ready to be TUNED into the Angels? Then this program is perfect for you. They can be done in-person or remotely. As a group or one one one. They are easy to learn and receive.
It is time to Let the Angels become a more active part of your life and your evolution!
Angel Blessings,