Practices to Heal Thyself.

Everyone is born innately within them a light. A light that fights to stay lit in the world with its challenges. The difficulties and the wonderful experiences have shaped you into who you are now. Many are awakening and I believe need support. Support to become stronger and healed versions of themselves. To heal at the level of the Soul. The Law of Healing states you cannot do it all alone. The problem is one of connection. Through a Re-Connection to Love, Source, and Creator healing can happen. Divine energy, understanding, and Divine Unconditional Love can clear and replace the past and create a specific mindset for the Future.
‘Healers heal thyself” by learning how. The practices of ThetaHealing and Reiki are a process of Connection. Connection makes way for Miracles!
ThetaHealing and Reiki are both highly effective healing practices that work with your energy and the energy of the Universe, All that Is, God, etc. ThetaHealing is a practice by which one uses the power of All That Is to command, observe, and co-create new beliefs and manifestations in one’s own life. Reiki can be used to shift energy, through the connection with God and humanity, so that both can work in tandem, to create harmony. Both practices are a transmutation of energy. Both are alchemic in their own right. As someone who has used these practices at various points of healing in my life; both have varying affects and effects.
Let’s Start with Reiki:
Reiki healing is a form of attunement. It attunes the chakras, particularly the main seven energy forces in the body. It also attunes the body’s energy to the Universe. Reiki is a 2500 year old Tibetan / Buddhist healing practice. It is a process by which the practitioner lays hands on/over the body, focusing on the seven main chakras to bring harmony back into them. The practitioner works their way down through the body, starting with the crown and third eye chakras. These are located at the top of one’s head and forehead respectively. They tend to finish at the feet, providing the energy of groundedness.
Reiki is incredibly relaxing; and can make one feel light and airy after a session. It removes energetic imprints of trauma and pain. Reiki compliments all other therapies. Reiki gently cleanses away the lower vibration and replaces it with beautiful and loving energy from the Universe. Reiki’s focus is to balance the chakras, which creates a feeling of inner balance, harmony, and health.
Reiki is very easy to learn. Reiki can be used by anyone of any age. This practice is a perfect fit for those students who are looking to connect with intuition and guidance from Reiki in ever-expanding ways. You will learn about Reiki, the chakra system, you, and life itself.
While Reiki can remove energies rooted in trauma; Reiki, does not give one an understanding of how the trauma began. Nor does it give one an understanding of the thoughts and belief systems deriving from negative experiences they have personally lived through or inherited. These aspects of healing are “outside the scope of Reiki.” Usui Reiki is to focus on the now and clear away fears from the past and anxiety from the future.
Now Let’s take a Look at ThetaHealing
ThetaHealing is a form of awakening. It awakens and activates theta brain waves, utilized within a deep relaxed state. ThetaHealing identifies four levels of beliefs accumulated over lifetimes. Core beliefs start from birth to 17 years old. These tend to be from your parents; and, they can transfer from one’s mother, while in the womb. Genetic beliefs are those that can be programmed through one’s genes. They can be passed down through ancestry. Historical beliefs are those that can be passed down through past lives. Soul beliefs are those beliefs that represent who you are at the core. They can be beliefs we hold close to our hearts. Through a process of connecting up through the seven planes of existence (humans and other lifeforms, as we know them, reside on the 3rd); we can command Source, or the Creator of all that is, to identify limiting beliefs and extract them from our DNA. Through observing the changes within us; limiting beliefs and negative thoughts can be canceled, and transmuted into healing energy.
Theta Healing is one of the most rewarding healing experiences. The Theta brainwave is of magic and miracles. Through the “theta state” you can access the deepest of one’s subconscious. Therefore, when one has experienced trauma that has led to embedded limiting beliefs, you can access them and watch the healing take place. The Conscious and Subconscious connect in a way of Healing through the Creator of all That is. ThetaHealing is a specific quantum science-based methodology and technique to heal. It requires practice and study. The practice digs deep into your history, genetics, core, and soul to understand the lessons of life. With muscle testing you can pinpoint the limiting beliefs with the conscious mind and pull, cancel and replace them away.
This practice is a perfect fit for clients and students with a more inquisitive mind. ThetaHealing engages your free will and free agency to choose to heal. You will learn many aspects of the lessons contained in your life this far in life.
Reiki is a healing and cleansing energy with a focus on clearing the energy stored in the chakras and throughout the physical body. You may not always understand the deeper causes or lessons. Reiki will leave you feeling lighter and in this receive clarity for yourself.
ThetaHealing is the “Zoom-out” view of your healing path. Through a more intimate relationship with the Creator, miracles occur. ThetaHealing requires specific practices, commands, and belief systems to be in alignment with the energy of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love heals all wounds. If you need more direction ThetaHealing may be a better fit.
I am here to support your journey! Schedule a FREE Discovery call today and let’s create a plan moving forward.
Many blessings,